Here you will find the necessary information for your courses as well as on Blackboard and Cengage (if the course requires it). Please check here often so you do not fall behind. You course information is below for the classes you have enrolled this semester. The courses below will give you information regarding the text needed, as well as the section/times we will be meeting if you have an on-campus course. If you are in an online class, you can work at your pace but MAKE SURE you visit any online resources as stated in Blackboard. On this site, click on the book or title of your course to go to that section on this website.

   All assignments, exams, powerpoints, etc. will be posted on Blackboard. Links to resources and other can be found on the right, as well as on your course's section on this website. Office hours will be determined at a later date and that info will also be posted in your section as well as on Blackboard.

   Your key to doing well in ANY class in ANY major is budgeting time and doing the work that will make you reach your goal. You can do it.

   Click on the Welcome Video link on the right  ---->

CISN 110
Cisco II
CISN 206
Linux Admin
CIST 100
Intro to Info Tech
 If you have questions, here is a brief video to enroll yourself in Cengage if you have a Cengage course. Additional information is on Blackboard as well:

CISN 200
Client Op
CISF 260
Ethical Hacking